Rev• F Doc 01-20099 17 of 42
Even if you plan to program the gate operator by telephone, you may want to enter some
immediate instructions during installation. The following list of instructions will help you
set basic controls so the gate will operate properly until you have time for full
programming, either directly or by telephone. For complete programming instructions,
refer to “SL 1000, SW 2000, and BG 3000-X3 Programming (-173 bd)”.
To access programming mode: enter QQQ 000000 (3 asterisks, 6 zeroes)
To program a command: a) enter step number b) enter required data c) enter # (pound sign)
To exit programming mode: enter 00# (2 zeroes, 1 pound sign)
Step Step
Acceptable Input
01 Gate Type 1 1 0 = Slide, 1 = Swing, 2 = Barrier,
3 = Linear
02 Operator Type 1 0 0 = Single, 1 = Master, 2 = Slave
03 Pair Type 1 0 0=Bipart, 1=Latch, 2=Not Used,
04 Not Used - - -
05 Not Used - -
06 Anti-Tailgate Enable (ATG) 1 0 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
07 Latch Delay Time 3 6
0 – 250 Seconds (.4 sec.
08 Reclose Time (RT) Up to 3 30 0 – 250 Seconds (0 = Disabled)
09 Not Used - - -
10 Not Used - - -
Obstruction Sense Backup Closing
Up to 3 12 12 – 499 Inches See note below.•
Obstruction Sense Backup Opening
Up to 3 12 12 – 499 Inches See note below.•
13 Interrupt Bar Backup If Closing Up to 3 12 12 – 499 Inches See note below.•
14 Interrupt Bar Backup If Opening Up to 3 12 12 – 499 Inches See note below.•
15 Return to Factory Set Defaults 6 N/A 101010 (partial), 191919 (full)
Slide gates move at about one foot per second, so backup distances (Obstruction
Senses and Interrupt Bar Backup) are easy to enter. To move the gate one foot, you
enter 12 inches.
Swing gates, however, move in degrees per second, so it is the length of the gate that
determines how far the gate moves each second. For instance, a twenty foot gate will
move twice as far as a ten foot gate in the same amount of time. As a result, entering
backup distances for swing gates is different than for slide gates. Use the following
table to enter swing gate backup distances:
I want my gate to move And my gate length is:
this far out at the end: 10' 15' 20'
One foot Enter 9" Enter 6" Enter 3"
Two feet Enter 18" Enter 12" Enter 6"
Three feet Enter 27" Enter 18" Enter 9"