Indicators keep you informed about the current operational status of the projector. The following
shows what the indicators look like when operation is normal.
When a warning message appears on the projection screen, or when the POWER/STANDBY, LIGHT,
and TEMP indicators are lit or flashing in a pattern other than those shown above, it means that a
projector error has occurred. For details, see “Error Indicators and Warning Messages” (below).
Warning messages and indicators let you know what the problem is when a projector error occurs.
When an error occurs, wait until the fan stops before unplugging the AC power cord. If you unplug the
AC power cord while the fan is still operating, an error may occur when you plug the AC power cord
back in.
When the indicators appear
like this:
It means this:
You have just plugged the AC power cord into a power outlet. Wait
until the projector enters the standby state (see below) before trying
to turn on power.
Amber Amber Amber
zccStandby state: The AC power cord is plugged in and the projector is
in standby.
Projector is warming up after being turned on.
Green Amber Amber
zccProjector is on and standing by for use.
ccProjector is performing internal power down processes.
c “On (Auto)” or “On (Manual)” is selected for the projector’s Eco Mode
(page 23) setting.
Green Green
: Lit : Flashing
: Unlit
Error Indicators and Warning Messages
Indicator/Error Message Description and Required Action
POWER : Green steady The projector’s internal temperature is very high. Press the [ESC] key to
clear the warning message and perform the following steps.
1 Check for any blocking of the projector’s intake vents and exhaust
vents, and make sure that there is sufficient space around the
projector. See
“Setup Precautions” (page 10).
2 If there is dust accumulated around the intake vents and/or exhaust
vents, turn off the projector and remove it. See
“Cleaning the
Projector” (page 43).
TEMP : –
Message : Internal temperature is too
high. Check projector air
vents for blockage.