Daily reminder
This type of reminder does not appear in the Schedule Keeper, but sounds an
alarm and displays its messages daily.
Inputting reminder data
You can use the same procedure to input annual, monthly, and daily events. The
type of Reminder data is determined by the date information that you input.
Reminder Type Month Date
Annual Input month Input date
Monthly Input: “–” Input date
Daily Input: “–” Input: “–”
To input reminder data
Example: To input the message “BIRTHDAY!” as an annual reminder message
for October 13.
1. Enter the Reminder Mode. At this time, you could press
CLEAR to clear the
initial Reminder mode screen and change to the month input screen.
2. Input 10 as the month for the annual reminder.
• In the case of a monthly or daily reminder, you would input
@ for the month.
3. Press J.
4. Input 13 as the date of the reminder.
• In the case of a daily reminder, you would input
@ for the date.
5. Press L(or
• If you want to set a Reminder Alarm, you should press J in place of L (or
NEXT). See “To set a Reminder Alarm when inputting data” for details on
setting a Reminder Alarm.
6. Input the reminder message (such as “BIRTHDAY!”).
7. After inputting the data, press SET to store it into memory.
Using the Reminder Mode