
Calibration Signal
The Japanese calibration signal (Call Sign: JJY) is maintained
by the National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology (NICT). It is transmitted 24 hours a day from Mt.
Otakadoya (40 kHz) located in Tamura-gun, Fukushima Prefecture,
and from Mt. Hagane (60 kHz) located on the border between
Saga Prefecture and Fukuoka Prefecture.
The Chinese time calibration signal (BPC) is maintained by
National Time Service center (NTSC) of China and is transmitted
from Shangqiu.
The U.S. calibration signal (Call Sign: WWVB) is transmitted by the
National Institute of Standards and technology from Fort Collins,
The U.K. calibration signal (Call Sign: MSF) is transmitted by the
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) from Anthorn, which is located
near Anthorn, Cumbria.
The German calibration signal (Call Sign: DCF77) is transmitted
by Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Mainflingen,
which is located southeast of Frankfurt.
Time calibration signal frequencies and transmitter locations are
subject to change.