k ANOVA (Two-Way)
u Description
The nearby table shows measurement results for a metal product produced by a heat
treatment process based on two treatment levels: time (A) and temperature (B). The
experiments were repeated twice each under identical conditions.
Perform analysis of variance on the following null hypothesis, using a signifi cance level of
Ho : No change in strength due to time
Ho : No change in strength due to heat treatment temperature
Ho : No change in strength due to interaction of time and heat treatment temperature
u Solution
Use two-way ANOVA to test the above hypothesis.
Input the above data as shown below.
Defi ne List 3 (the data for each group) as Dependent. Defi ne List 1 and List 2 (the factor
numbers for each data item in List 3) as Factor A and Factor B respectively.
Executing the test produces the following results.
• Time differential (A) level of signifi cance P = 0.2458019517
The level of signifi cance (p = 0.2458019517) is greater than the signifi cance level (0.05),
so the hypothesis is not rejected.
• Temperature differential (B) level of signifi cance P = 0.04222398836
The level of signifi cance (p = 0.04222398836) is less than the signifi cance level (0.05), so
the hypothesis is rejected.
• Interaction (A × B) level of signifi cance P = 2.78169946e-3
The level of signifi cance (p = 2.78169946e-3) is less than the signifi cance level (0.05), so
the hypothesis is rejected.
The above test indicates that the time differential is not signifi cant, the temperature
differential is signifi cant, and interaction is highly signifi cant.
B (Heat Treatment Temperature) B1 B2
A1 113 , 116
133 , 131
139 , 132
126 , 122
A (Time)
B (Heat Treatment Temperature) B1 B2
A1 113 , 116
133 , 131
139 , 132
126 , 122
A (Time)