From the RUN menu, many calculations can be entered by selecting i. For example:
hyperbolic, probability /distribution, numeric (including differential and integration), conversion,
engineering, complex number and binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal calculations.
5. To calculate the possible number of different arrangements using 4 items selected from among
10 items, enter the following from the Run home screen:
• iue10w4l
Note: The xed decimal setting was changed back to Norm1.
6. To calculate -10
+ 2 , enter the following from the RUN home screen:
• iew(n10^3+2)l
Note: Calculations can be performed with complex numbers and answers can be
displayed in a+bi form.
7. To calculate
3+4i ; enter the following from the RUN home screen:
• iew(3+4q)l
8. To calculate (-3 + 2i ) + 15i; enter the following:
• ie(n3+2q)+15ql
Getting Started with the fx-9750GII