• The displays and illustrations (such as key markings)
shown in this User’s Guide are for illustrative pur-
poses only, and may differ somewhat from the actual
items they represent.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change
without notice.
• In no event shall CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. be liable
to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or con-
sequential damages in connection with or arising out
of the purchase or use of these materials. Moreover,
CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any
claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these
materials by any other party.
Handling Precautions
• Be sure to press the P button on the back of the cal-
culator (step 6 on page 29) before using it for the
first time (fx-350TL).
• Be sure to press the 5 key before using the calcu-
lator for the first time (fx-85W/fx-85WA/fx-300W).
• Even if the calculator is operating normally, replace
the battery at least once every three years.
Dead battery can leak, causing damage to and malfunc-
tion of the calculator. Never leave the dead battery in the
• The battery that comes with the calculator when you
purchase it is for testing only. It may not provide full
service life.
• Low battery power can cause memory contents to
become corrupted or lost completely. Always keep
written records of all important data.