Chapter 4 • Error Message Resolution Guide
Twin Client Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
ENTRY TOO LONG; Trying to key beyond the field size. Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
ALPHABETIC ONLY; Trying to key a character that is not
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
MINUS NOT VALID; Trying to key a Minus sign. Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
DECIMAL NOT VALID; Trying to key a Decimal (period). Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
ALPHANUMERIC ONLY; Trying to key characters other than
Alphabetic and numeric.
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
NUMERIC ONLY; Trying to key characters other than
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
ENTRY TOO SHORT; Trying to exit the field before it is
Ensure that you are entering input into the
correct field.
Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006