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CPU(HD6433298A16P : H8/329)
The 16-bit CPU contains a 32K-byte ROM, a 1K-byte RAM, an 8-bit A/D converter, timers and I/O ports. The
CPU accesses to the DSP, Key Touch LSI, RAM, buttons and LEDs. But the CPU directly receives MIDI and
pedal signals.
Pin No. Terminal In/Out Function
1 P40/IRQ2 In KO signal data.
2 P41/IRQ1 In Timing signal for KO signal.
3 P42/IRQ0 In APO signal output.
4 P43/-RD Out Read signal outpt.
5 P44/-WR Out Write signal output.
7 P46/PHI Out System clock output.
8 P47/-WAIT In Wait signal input
9 P50/Txd Out MIDI signal output.
10 P51/Rxd In MII signal input.
11 P52/SCK Out Reset signal output.
12 -RESET In Reset signal input.
13 -NMI In Power on signal input.(Low active)
14 Vcc In +5V source.
15 -STBY In Standby signal input. Connected to +5V.
16 Vss In Ground(0V) source.
17,18 XTAL,EXTAL In/Out 20MHz clock pulse input/output. Connected to crystal.
19,20 MD1,MD0 In Selection for system.
0 1 MODE-1 : Internal ROM mode
1 0 MODE-2 : Non internal ROM mode
1 1 MODE-3 : Single chip mode
21 AVss In Analog ground source.
22 P70/AN0 In Connected to ground.
23~29 P71/AN0~P77/AN7 In KI signal input.
30 AVcc In +5V source.
31~38 P60/FTCI~P67/TMO1 Out Control signal for 7-segment LED.
39 Vcc In +5V source.
41~56 P26/A14~P10/A0 Out Address bus.
48 Vss In Ground(0V) source.
57~64 P30/D0~P37/D7 In/Out Data bus.