Inspect the Starting Equipment
Before working on any starter, shut off the machine, and open all disconnects supplying
power to the starter.
Inspect starter contact surfaces for wear or pitting on mechanical-type starters. Do not
sandpaper or file silver-plated contacts. Follow the starter manufacturer’s instructions for
contact replacement, lubrication, spare parts ordering, and other maintenance requirements.
Periodically vacuum or blow off accumulated debris on the internal parts with a high-velocity,
low-pressure blower.
Power connections on newly installed starters may relax and loosen after a month of
operation. Turn power off and retighten. Recheck annually thereafter.
The disconnect on the starter front panel does not deenergize all internal circuits.
Open all internal and remote disconnects before servicing the starter.
Never open isolating knife switches while equipment is operating. Electrical arc-
ing can cause serious injury.