High Speed
Evaporator Fan
Motors Off
Setup: The high speed Evaporator Fan is turned off, a current draw test is done
after 10 seconds.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passes if change in current draw is within the range
specified. Fails if AL11 or AL12 activates during test.
Supply/Return Probe
Setup: The High Speed Evaporator Fan is turned on and run for eight minutes,
with all other outputs de-energized.
Pass/Fail Criteria: A temperature comparison is made between the return and
supply probes.
NOTE: If this test fails, “P5-0” and “FAIL” will be displayed. If both Probe tests
(this test and the PRIMARY/ SECONDARY) pass, the display will read “P5”
P5-1 Supply Probe Test
Requirements: For units equipped with secondary supply probe only.
Pass/Fail Criteria: The temperature difference between primary and secondary
probe (supply) is compared.
Ifthis test fails, “P5-1”and FAIL will be displayed. If bothProbe tests (this
and the SUPPLY/ RETURN TEST) pass, because of the multiple tests, the
display will read ’P 5’ ’PASS’.
P5-2 Return Probe Test
Requirements: For units equipped with secondary return probe only.
Pass/Fail Criteria: The temperature difference between primary and secondary
probe (return) is compared.
S If this test fails, “P5-2” and “FAIL” will be displayed. If both Probe
tests (this test and the SUPPLY/ RETURN) pass, because of the
multiple tests, the display will read “P 5,” “PASS.”
S The results of Pre-Trip tests 5-0, 5-1 and 5-2 will be used to activate or
clear control probe alarms.
Single Speed
Setup: The compressor is started. If it is the first compressor start, the
compressor reliability enhancement logic (CREL) is executed, running a current
draw test with the additional outputs (if installed) in the following states:
Compressor Test
(For single speed
Normal Logic
(10 seconds)
CREL (3 minutes)
SSV Closed Open
SMV 70% 100% (for 3 minutes) then 70%
Dual Speed
Compressor Tests
(For dual speed
Setup: Prior to this testing the ambient temperature is checked. If the ambient
temperature is less than 60_F, the high speed compressor test will run first. If the
ambient temperature is greater than 60_F, or if the ambient temperature is
invalid, the low speed compressor test will run first. Once the first compressor
test has been completed, the switch over to the other compressor test will follow.
Upon entry to this test section, the high speed evaporator fan should already be
running, if not, it is started. After the evaporator fan has run for five seconds, the
high speed condenser fan is started. After the condenser fan has run for five
seconds, the compressor test is run.