
When the air temperature decreases to a predetermined
tolerance above set point, relay TI energizes and the
in-range light is illuminated.
(Refer to section 3.1. 4, C ode 30.)
If the air temperature continues to fall, modulating
cooling starts at approximately 2.5_C (4.5_F) above set
point. The modulating valvewill havea variablecurrent
up to 1.30 amps at full modulation.
During this cooling mode, a running sum of the
temperature differential (supply air temperature minus
the set point)is kept.When thesupply airfalls belowset
point, the differential is negative. The longer supply air
remains below set point, the greater the differential in
the running sum.
When the supply air temperature decreases to 0.2_C
below set point and the running sum is less than --250
degrees C-seconds, relays TN and TC de-energize
shutting off the condenser fan and compressor motors.
Also, the cool light is de-energized.
The evaporator fan motors continue to run to circulate
air throughout the container. The in-range light remains
illuminatedaslongas thesupplyairis within atolerance
of set point, and the 15 minute override is met.
If the unit is in the holding mode (neither heating nor
cooling) and the supply air temperature increases to
0.2_C (0.4_F) above set point, and providing a six
minute off time has elapsed, relay TC energizes to
restart the compressor. Also, at this time, the condenser
fan motor starts and the cool light is illuminated.
During this mode the dual speed compressor can be
either running in high or low speed depending on the
box load. Refer to Figure 3-6 for a description of the
speed change logic.