Table 6 — Airflow vs. Pressure Drop Across ERV Wheel (cont)
NOTE: Pressure sensing ports are provided on both sides of the
ERV wheel for testing and balancing.
the EzERV option, the LCD display will change to show the
amount of air moving through the cabinet in cubic feet per
minute (cfm). The screen is divided into two columns: The left
column showing the amount of outside air (Osa/CFM) and the
right column showing the exhaust air (Ext/CFM). To adjust the
fan speeds, remove the small panel next to the control panel
cover to access the user input controls. See Fig. 16.
Balanced Air Option
— Press the push button once to bring
up the ERV cfm screen. Turn the knob clockwise to increase or
counterclockwise to decrease the amount of outside air coming
into the building. See Fig. 17. The exhaust airflow will auto-
matically adjust to equal the supply airflow. Press the button
again to return to the main screen. Replace the user control
Offset Air Option
— Press the push button once to bring up
the outside air cfm screen. Turn the knob clockwise to increase
or counterclockwise to decrease the amount of outside air com-
ing into the building. See Fig. 18.
Press the push button again to bring up the exhaust air offset
screen. A negative exhaust air offset would equate to a smaller
amount of air being exhausted from the building when com-
pared to the outside air being supplied to the building. Adjust
the knob clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to de-
crease the exhaust offset cfm level. See Fig. 19. Press the
l/s 1652 1888 2124 2360 2596 2832 3068 3304 3540 3776 4012 4248 4484 — — — —
pa 114 129 147 162 179 194 211 226 244 261 276 294 304 — — — —
l/s 2360 2832 3068 3304 3540 3776 4012 4248 4484 4720 4956 5192 5428 5664 5900 6136 6372
pa 122 144 154 164 177 187 197 209 219 229 239 251 261 271 284 294 304
l/s 2124 2360 2596 2832 3068 3304 3540 3776 4012 4248 4484 4720 4956 5192 — — —
pa 124 139 152 167 179 194 207 221 234 249 264 276 291 304 — — —
l/s 2832 3304 3776 4248 4720 4956 5192 5428 5664 5900 6136 6372 6608 6844 7080 7316 7552
pa 124 142 162 179 197 207 216 224 234 244 251 261 271 279 289 299 306
l/s 2596 2832 3068 3304 3540 3776 4012 4248 4484 4720 4956 5192 5428 5664 5900 6136 6372
pa 124 137 147 159 169 182 192 204 214 226 239 249 261 271 284 294 306
l/s 3540 4012 4484 4956 5428 5900 6372 6844 7316 7788 8260 8732 9204 — — — —
pa 127 142 157 172 187 202 216 231 246 261 276 291 306 — — — —
l/s 2832 3304 3776 4012 4248 4484 4720 4956 5192 5428 5664 5900 6136 6372 6608 6844 7080
pa 119 139 159 169 179 189 199 209 219 229 239 249 259 269 279 289 299
l/s 3776 4248 4720 5192 5664 6136 6608 7080 7552 8024 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 — —
pa 119 134 147 159 172 187 199 211 226 239 251 264 279 291 304 — —
l/s 3304 3776 4248 4720 5192 5428 5664 5900 6136 6372 6608 6844 7080 7316 7552 7788 8024
pa 127 144 162 182 199 209 216 226 234 244 254 264 271 281 289 299 309
l/s 4248 4720 5192 5664 6136 6608 7080 7552 8024 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 10856 11328 —
pa 122 134 147 159 169 182 194 207 216 229 241 254 266 276 289 301 —
l/s 3776 4248 4720 5192 5664 6136 6372 6608 6844 7080 7316 7552 7788 8024 8260 8496 8732
pa 122 137 152 167 182 197 204 211 219 226 234 241 249 256 264 271 279
l/s 5192 6136 7080 7552 8024 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 10856 11328 11800 12272 12744 13216 13688
pa 124 144 164 174 184 194 204 214 224 234 244 254 264 274 284 294 304
l/s 4248 4720 5192 5664 6136 6608 7080 7552 8024 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 — — —
pa 127 139 154 167 182 197 209 224 236 251 266 279 294 306 — — —
l/s 5664 6608 7552 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 10856 11328 11800 12272 12744 13216 13688 14160 14632
pa 124 144 162 182 189 199 209 216 226 236 246 254 264 274 281 291 301
l/s 4720 5192 5664 6136 6608 7080 7552 8024 8496 8968 9440 9912 10384 10856 11328 11800 —
pa 100 134 147 159 172 184 197 207 219 231 244 256 269 281 294 306 —
l/s 6608 7552 8496 9440 10384 11328 11800 12272 12744 13216 13688 14160 14632 15104 15576 16048 16520
pa 127 144 159 177 192 209 216 224 231 241 249 256 264 274 281 289 296
Fig. 16 — LCD Display
Fig. 17 — ERV Cfm Screen
Fig. 18 — Outside Air Cfm Screen