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PC 111 Catalog No. 535-034 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50TJ-17SI Pg 34 2-01 Replaces: 50TJ-14SI
Book 1
Ta b 1 b
Copyright 2001 Carrier Corporation
Packaged Service Training
programs are an excellent way to increase your knowledge of the equipment
discussed in this manual, including:
Unit Familiarization Maintenance
Installation Overview Operating Sequence
A large selection of product, theory, and skills programs are available, using popular video-based formats
and materials. All include video and/or slides, plus companion book.
Classroom Service Training
which includes “hands-on” experience with the products in our labs can
mean increased confidence that really pays dividends in faster troubleshooting and fewer callbacks. Course
descriptions and schedules are in our catalog.
CALL FOR FREE CATALOG 1-800-962-9212
[ ] Packaged Service Training [ ] Classroom Service Training