Glossary of TermsGlossary of Terms
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Auto-Changeover: A mode in which the thermostat will turn on
the heating or cooling based on room temperature demand.
Configurable Output Jumper: Using jumpers on the thermostat
you can configure the MISC1, MISC2, and MISC3 terminals to
control humidification, dehumidification, and 2nd stage cooling.
Cool Setpoint: The warmest temperature that the space should
rise to before cooling is turned on (without regards to
Deadband: The number of degrees the thermostat will wait, once
setpoint has been reached, before energizing heating or cooling.
Dehumidify: To reduce the amount of moisture in the air.
Differential: The forced temperature difference between the
heat setpoint and the cool setpoint.
Heat Setpoint: The coolest temperature that the space should
drop to before heating is turned on (without regards to
Humidify: To increase the amount of moisture in the air.
Icon: The word or symbol that appears on the thermostat
Mode: The current operating condition of the thermostat (i.e. Off,
Heat, Cool, Auto).
Non-Programmable Thermostat: A thermostat that does not
have the capability of running the Time Period Programming.
Temperature Swing: Same as Deadband.