Configuring Network Settings
The following instructions are for settings screens that vary depending on the communication
method (FTP Transfer, EOS Utility, WFT Server, or Media Server), as shown below. Read the
page that introduces the selected communication method.
FTP trans.
Chapter 2 (p.27)
Chapter 3 (p.43)
Chapter 4 (p.49)
Chapter 5 (p.61)
Completing Settings for the Communication Method
Windows 7 and Windows Vista Users
Before performing the operations from page 43, perform the operations below. If these operations are
not performed, the WFT Pairing Software described on page 44 may not start.
Open the [C Drive] [Program Files] [Canon] [EOS Utility] [WFTPairing] folder (in this
order), and then double-click the [WFT FirewallSettings] icon.
After performing this operation, perform the operation on page 43.