Print Dialog
In the Print dialog, you can set paper type and print quality to start printing.
To open the Print dialog, you typically select Print... from the File menu of your application software.
Select the model to be used for printing.
When you click Add Printer..., a dialog for specifying the printer opens.
You can save or delete the settings of the Print dialog.
• If you are using OS X Mavericks v10.9, OS X Mountain Lion v10.8, or OS X Lion v10.7, you can
select Show Presets... to check the print settings that are set in the Print dialog.
You can set the number of copies to be printed.
• If you are using Mac OS X v10.6.8, you can also set collate printing.
• If you are using OS X Mavericks v10.9, OS X Mountain Lion v10.8, or OS X Lion v10.7, you can set
collated printing by choosing Paper Handling from the pop-up menu.
You can set duplex printing.
You can set the range of pages to be printed.
Paper Size
Select the size of the paper to be used for printing.
To set a non-standard size, select Manage Custom Sizes....
Select the print orientation.
Pop-up Menu
You can switch between pages in the Print dialog by the pop-up menu. The first menu to appear differs
depending on the application software that opened the Print dialog.
You can choose one of the following items from the pop-up menu.