Cannot Print the Contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM
Check 1: Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX installed?
If Easy-PhotoPrint EX is not installed, you cannot print the contents on CREATIVE PARK
PREMIUM. Install Easy-PhotoPrint EX, select the printing menu of the contents on Solution
Menu EX, then print the contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM.
Check 2: Did you download and install the contents on CREATIVE PARK
Before printing the contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM, download and install the contents
onto your computer, then start printing again. The contents will not be displayed if the number
of copies exceeds the printing limit or the validity term has expired. Access CREATIVE PARK
PREMIUM to check the printing limit or validity term of each content.
Check 3: Are you trying to print contents which need a larger size of paper than
the machine can support?
If you are trying to print contents which need a larger size of paper than the machine can
support, an error message is displayed on the computer screen. Follow the instructions on
the computer screen, then confirm the paper size suitable for the contents.
Check 4: Are the ink tanks installed properly?
If genuine Canon ink tanks are not installed properly, an error message is displayed on the
computer screen. Follow the instructions on the computer screen, make sure that genuine
Canon ink tanks are installed properly for all colors, then print the contents on CREATIVE
Check 5: Are any operations in progress on the machine?
If any operations are in progress on the machine, an error message is displayed on the
computer screen. Follow the instructions on the computer screen, make sure that the
operation is complete, then print the contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM again.
Check 6: Is the printer driver installed?
If the printer driver is not installed, you cannot print the contents on CREATIVE PARK
PREMIUM. Install the printer driver, then print the contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM
Check 7: Is the machine selected on Solution Menu EX?
If the machine is not selected on Solution Menu EX, the menu of CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM
is not displayed on Solution Menu EX. Select the machine for Select Model on Solution Menu
EX's Settings in the Help & Settings menu, then print the contents on CREATIVE PARK
Check 8: Is bidirectional support of the printer driver enabled?
If bidirectional support of the printer driver is not enabled, an error message is displayed on
the computer screen. Follow the instructions on the computer screen, make sure that
bidirectional support of the printer driver is enabled, then print the contents on CREATIVE
To enable bidirectional support of the printer driver, select the Enable bidirectional
support check box under the Ports tab in Properties of the printer driver.
Check 9: Is the machine connected to the computer via Bluetooth
If the machine is connected to the computer via Bluetooth communication, an error message
is displayed on the computer screen. Connect the machine using a USB cable or over a
network, then print the contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM again.
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Page 941 of 1037 pagesCannot Use the Contents on CREATIVE PARK PREMIUM