Returning to a Pre-marked Position
If you wish to return to a particular scene
later, mark the point with the zero set memory _,_
and the tape will stop at that point when you REW _ ............................H_ON]II.__:v,._....................PLAY
rewindlfast forward the tape. button IIIc=c 111button
This function is operated with the wireless I Q _ D
o olID
controller. 7=D,-, Q_T I O 6_'_"['_-'" STOP []
1. Press the ZERO SET MEMORY button at the point
you wish to return to later.
• "0:00:00 _" appears.
• To cancel, press the ZERO SET MEMORY button again.
2. When you have finished playback, rewind the tape.
• "_ RTN" appears.
• The tape stops automatically at "0:00:00".
• The tape counter changes to time code.
The zero set memory may not function correctly when the time code has not been
recorded consecutively.