Glossary 163
Parallel interface
An interface that transmits multiple bits simultaneously (usually in one-
byte segments). Your printer has a built-in, Centronics-type parallel
interface. See also Centronics interface.
Parallel interface cable
A bi-directional cable, usually less than six feet long, that transfers
multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously, speeding the
transfer. Parallel interface cables are also referred to as Centronics
interface cables.
Stands for Portable Document Format. A widely used format for
transmitting and viewing documents on computers. PDF documents can
be read or printed out with Adobe’s Acrobat Reader program.
Peer-to-peer connection
A network connection between a computer and a printer (or other device)
that does not go through a server. See also Server, Client.
Physical RAM
Random access memory (RAM) that is physically present in the
computer in the form of memory chips, as opposed to virtual memory.
See also Virtual Memory.
Point size
Character height is defined in points: one point is 1/72 of an inch.
The printing of text along the width (short edge) of the page.
Print job
A document that a Windows application has processed and sent to the
Spooler to be added to the print queue or directly to the printer.
Print Monitor
The network adapter print monitor is software that prints through the
network adapter.