Additional Information 197
Recording Movies
Manual mode Cinema mode
Ah Recording program (A 94)
Aj Manual exposure (A 105)
Ak AGC (automatic gain control) limit
(A 106)
Al = Instant AF/@ Normal AF
(A 185), MF Manual focus
(A 107)
Sq Face detection (A 99)
Sa White balance (A 109)
Ss Audio level indicator (A 117)
Sd x.v.Color (A 189)
While recording/during playback:
Scene counter (hours : minutes :
seconds) ; < Self timer (A 112)
Sg Image stabilizer (A 97)
Sh Tele macro (A 108)
Sj Remaining recording time
* On the memory card
& In the built-in memory
( Relay recording (A 39)
Sk Frame rate (A 93)
Sl Image effects (A 111)
Dq Microphone attenuator (A 186)
Da Audio scene select (A 113)
Ds Headphone output (A 119)
Dd Custom control button (A 193)
Df Level marker (A 186)
Dg Remote sensor off (A 193)
Dh Fader (A 102)
Dj Auto wind screen (A 115)
Dk Directionality of the optional SM-V1
Surround Microphone (A 122)
Dl Conversion lens (Tele-converter
shown) (A 186)
Fq Mini advanced shoe (A 121)
Fa External audio input (A 125)
Fs Control button [FILTER 1]: Cinema-
look filters (A 69)
Fd In record pause mode:
Total number of scenes
Ff Pre-recording (A 98)