
s: Action Shots
To freeze the action or moving subject.
Use a fast shutter speed such as 1/500 sec. to 1/4000 sec.
To blur a running child or animal giving the impression of fast
Use a medium shutter speed such as 1/60 sec. to 1/250 sec. Follow
the moving subject through the viewfinder and press the shutter
button to take the picture. If you use a telephoto lens, hold it steady
to prevent camera shake.
How to blur a flowing river or water fountain.
Use a slow shutter speed such as 1/5 sec. to 1/15 sec. Use a tripod
to prevent camera shake.
Set the shutter speed so that the aperture display does not
blink in the viewfinder.
If you press the shutter button halfway and change
the shutter speed while the aperture is displayed,
the aperture display will also change to maintain the
same exposure (amount of light reaching the
imaging sensor). If you exceed the adjustable
aperture range, the aperture display will blink to
indicate that the standard exposure cannot be obtained.
If the exposure will be too dark, the lowest aperture value will blink. If
this happens, turn the <6> dial to the left to set a slower shutter
speed or increase the ISO speed.
If the exposure will be too bright, the highest aperture value will
blink. If this happens, turn the <6> dial to the right to set a faster
shutter speed or decrease the ISO speed.
The flash exposure will be set automatically to match the aperture that
was set automatically. The flash sync speed can be set from 30 sec. to
1/200 sec.
Shooting Tips
Using the Built-in Flash