Cover/Table of
Downloading Images
from the Camera,
and Camera Settings
Working with
Images in the
ZoomBrowser EX
Remote Shooting in
the EOS Capture
and Uninstalling
the Software
Setting the EOS 5D
and EOS-1D Series
O The shown in this section provides brief descriptions of the Custom Function Settings
for the respective camera functions. For more details, refer to “Custom Function Settings” in
the camera’s Instruction Manual.
Disables the shooting modes
O Checkmark the shooting modes you do not want to use.
O Unwanted shooting modes can be skipped while you are selecting the shooting mode.
O This makes selecting the desired shooting mode faster.
O With the EOS-1Ds and EOS-1D, [Disable depth-of-field AE] is also displayed.
Disables the metering modes
O Checkmark the metering modes you do not want to use.
O Unwanted metering modes can be skipped while you are selecting the metering mode.
O This makes selecting the desired metering mode faster.
Specifies the metering mode for manual exposure
O Select the metering mode to be specified.
O You can specify the metering mode to be used in the manual exposure mode.
O When you set the manual exposure mode, the metering mode selected here will be set
automatically. In the manual exposure mode, this enables you to use a metering mode
different from the one used in the AE modes.
At least one checkbox must be left unchecked.
At least one checkbox must be left unchecked.
Description of Personal Functions
Sets the maximum and minimum shutter speeds to be used
O Select the maximum and minimum shutter speeds from the list box.
For example, if you set 1/2000 sec. as the fastest shutter speed and 1/60 sec. as the
slowest, the shutter speed range will be 1/2000 to 1/60 sec.
O This makes shutter speed selection faster and prevents a slow-speed sync. in aperture-
priority AE mode with the flash.
Sets the maximum and minimum apertures to be used
O Select the maximum and minimum apertures from the list box.
For example, if you set 1.4 for the largest aperture and 8.0 for the smallest aperture, the
usable aperture range will be f/1.4 to f/8.0.
O You can better control the apertures used by setting the range of usable apertures.
O If you set the maximum and/or minimum shutter speed to one that is not a full-stop
increment (such as 1/750 sec.), the controllable and settable shutter speed range
might not be as exact as you set it (A slight deviation may occur.). This applies if you
also set Custom Function C.Fn-6-1 and C.Fn-6-2 and set the maximum and/or
minimum shutter speed to one that is not a full-stop increment (such as 1/3200 sec.).
O To ensure that a proper flash sync speed is set in the Program AE mode, a shutter
speed range of 1/200 sec. to 1/80 sec. cannot be set with the EOS-1D Mark II N,
EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II and EOS-1Ds, and the range of 1/400 sec. to 1/80
sec. cannot be set with the EOS-1D.
O If safety shift has been enabled (with C.Fn-16), it will override P.Fn-04’s shutter speed
O Specify a minimum aperture value that is smaller than the maximum aperture setting.
If you select a minimum aperture value that is larger than the maximum aperture, a
warning message appears and the setting reverts to the default value.
O If you set the maximum and/or minimum aperture to one that is not a full-stop
increment (such as f/4.5), the controllable and settable aperture range might not be
as exact as you set it (A slight deviation may occur.). This applies if you also set
Custom Function C.Fn-6-1 or C.Fn-6-2 and set the maximum and/or minimum
aperture to one that is not a full-stop increment (such as f/6.3).
O If the largest aperture of the attached lens is smaller than the largest aperture you set
with P.Fn-05, the largest aperture will be set to the lens’ largest aperture. And if the
largest aperture of the attached lens is smaller than the smallest aperture you set with
P.Fn-05, the aperture will be set and fixed to the lens’ largest aperture.
O If safety shift has been enabled (with C.Fn-16), it will override P.Fn-05’s aperture