If you select a registered job and click [Job list/edit], the [Job
editing] dialog box appears allowing you to edit the settings of
the selected job.
Select an [Unconfigured] job number from the job list.
The title bar display changes to [Register new job].
If you select a job that is already registered, the title bar display
returns to [Job editing].
Enter a job name, and specify the output method for the
Select the output method from the [Output method] list box. (See
p. 31.)
Configure the job settings.
Configure the settings found in the following three tabs.
[Output settings] tab
Configure the settings for the output method. The items that
appear in this tab differ depending on the [Output method]
selected. (See p. 31.)
[File settings] tab
This tab appears when [Send by E-mail] is selected in the [Output
method] list box. The items that appear in this tab are the same as
those in the [Output settings] tab.