To prevent camera shake, using a tripod is effective. When pressing the
shutter button, do it carefully without shaking the camera. Preventing
camera shake while you press the shutter button on a tripod-mounted
camera is explained below.
Using Remote Switch RS-60E3 or Remote Controller RC-1/RC-5 (both
optional) can prevent camera shake and enable remote shooting.
Remote Switch RS-60E3
Remote switch with a 60 cm/2.0 feet cord for
pressing the shutter button halfway or fully. It
connects to the camera’s remote control terminal.
Remote Controller RC-1/RC-5
Remote controller to shoot wirelessly up to about
5 meters/16.4 feet from the camera. (p.153) The
RC-1 can trip the shutter immediately or after a 2-
sec. delay, and the RC-5 trips the shutter after a
2-sec. delay.
Preventing Camera Shake
Using Remote Control to Shoot
RC-1 RC-5