With the AF-10 Date, you can record the day
time on each picture.
The bold, wide-angle 26mm Canon lens,
Smart Autofocus (AF-10 only) and over-
sized viewfinder let you take stunning
shots of the good times you’ll treasure always … big family occasions,
exotic vacations or fun-filled get togethers. And it’s so easy. Once you’ve
goteverything picture-perfect, just push the button. It’s that simple!
A Great Big Flash
A bright built-in Flash with Red-Eye Reduction helps get rid of
those scary red dots. So everyone in your flash pictures appears
with brighter, more natural-looking eyes. A big plus!
Fully automatic 35mm lens shutter Smart Autofocus (AF-10) fixed focus (BF-10)
camera with built-in flash •
26mm f/6
•• SShhoooottiinngg DDiissttaannccee RRaannggee::
2.9 ft./0.9m to infinity (AF-10)
3.9 ft./1.2m to infinity (BF-10)
•• BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh::
Fires automatically in low-light conditions. Red-Eye Reduction
•• VViieewwffiinnddeerr::
0.55x magnification, LED status indicator
•• SShhuutttteerr::
Electromagnetically controlled
programmed shutter/aperture •
FFiillmm LLooaaddiinngg//AAddvvaannccee//RReewwiinndd::
Automatic. Also, button-activated midroll
•• SSeellff--TTiimmeerr::
Electronically controlled with 10-second delay •
Two AA-size alkaline (1.5V)
•• DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((WW xx HH xx DD))::
4.3” x2.5” x1.5”/109mm x 64mm x 38mm
•• WWeeiigghhtt::
5.1 oz/145g
without batteries. All data based on Canon’s Standard Test Method. Subject to change without notice.
For Your
Big Moments
For Your
Big Moments
The Fully Automatic Canon Sure Shot AF-10 and BF-10 make
Great Pictures Fast, Fun and Easy.
• Auto Load • Auto Advance • Auto Rewind
The easy-to-read LCD counter tells
you everything you need to know.