Additional Functions
Resetting the File Number
This function resets the file number that is
automatically assigned to a new image as it is
recorded. Successive numbers are automati-
cally assigned.
When a CF Card Contains Previously
Recorded Images
After the reset, the first new image is
assigned the number of the last recorded
image plus one.
When the CF Card Contains No Previously
Recorded Images
After the reset, the first new image is
assigned the number one.
• Standard File Number Assignment
The camera records the number of the
last image that was recorded. When an
image is next shot, it adds one to the
previous number to create the new file
number. However, if there are images
already on the CF card that have higher
file numbers, the camera adds one to
the highest number on the CF card to
avoid duplication. This means that a
particular camera will not create two
images with the same file number. As a
result, the file numbers on a particular
CF card may not be consecutive if other
cards have been used in between
recording sessions with that card.