er release simply by pressing or lifting the thumb off the AE Lock button.
C.Fn 4-2 keeps AF start on the shutter button, but allows the photographer to stop AF
emporarily by pressing the AE Lock button. AE Lock is unavailable in this mode, but it
sn’t make any difference when the camera is set for manual exposure as it often is
or professional sports photography.
C.Fn 4-3 is almost the same as C.Fn 4-1, except that there is no AE Lock. This mode is
seful when shooting sports photography in changing light situations, because it
updates the exposure automatically in AE modes as the subject moves from shadow
areas to sunlit areas or vice versa.
Custom Function 11 allows the photographer to control which buttons and dials are
used to select the focusing points.
• C.Fn 11-0 (the default) initiates focusing point selection mode when the focusing
point selector button is pressed. Focusing points can be scrolled horizontally with the
main input dial, or vertically with the quick control dial.
• C.Fn 11-1 reverses the functions of the focusing point selector button and the
exposure compensation (+/-) button on top of the camera. In other words, the
exposure compensation (+/-) button initiates focusing point selection mode, and the
main and quick control dials scroll the focusing points horizontally and vertically,
respectively. During photography, C.Fn 11-1 makes it quick and easy to adjust
exposure compensation by rotating the main dial while pressing the focusing point
selector button.
• C.Fn 11-2 also reverses the functions of the focusing point selector button and the
exposure compensation button, but during photography it allows you to use the Quick
Control Dial to scroll focusing points horizontally. Focusing points can be scrolled
vertically by turning the Main Dial while pressing the Assist Button. AFPS is
unavailable in this mode, except when P.Fn-18 is activated.
• C.Fn 11-3 reverses the functions of the focusing point selector button and the FEL
button. In this mode, the FEL button initiates focusing point selection mode, and the
main and quick control dials scroll the focusing points horizontally and vertically,
respectively. The focusing point selector button initiates the FEL preflash. With or
ithout flash, C.Fn 11-3 allows ambient exposure compensation to be adjusted with
the Quick Control dial during photography. C.Fn 11-3 is popular with photographers
who use FEL extensively.
Custom Function 13 controls the number of manually selectable focusing points, and it
also allows the photographer to link spot metering to an off-center focusing point.
• C.Fn 13-0 provides access to manual selection of all 45 focusing points and fixes spot
metering at the center of the picture area, as marked by the circle at the center of the
focusing screen.
• C.Fn 13-1 reduces the number of manually selectable focusing points to 11; 3 in the
top row, 5 in the middle row, and 3 more in the bottom row. Spot metering and Flash
Exposure Lock are linked to the manually selected focusing point in this mode. Fewer