Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
On the IPv6 Settings screen, press [Stateless Address
Settings] ➞ specify the following.
[On] for <Use Stateless Address>: A stateless address is automatically set when
the machine is started.
The stateless address is discarded when the machine is restarted (with the
machine's main power switch ON).
On the IPv6 Settings screen, press [Manual Address Settings]
➞ specify the following.
[On] for <Use Manual Address>: You can set the IPv6 address manually.
Enter the IPv6 address value in [Manual Address] and the IPv6 address prefix
length in [Prefix Length].
Enter the default router address value in [Default Router Addr.]. If you do not
want to specify the default router address, leave [Default Router Addr.] blank.
You cannot set a multicast address, an address composed entirely of zeros, or an
address that starts with 'fe80' other than 'fe80:0' or 'fe80:1' in [Manual Address].
You also cannot use a manual address if you leave [Manual Address] blank.
You cannot enter a multicast address or an address composed entirely of zeros in
[Default Router Addr.].