Canon EOS 620-650
Camera Manual
POSTED 12-5-02
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Thank you for purchasing the Canon EOS 620/650. Designed with the most advanced and innovative technology
available, this high performance AF/AE SLR camera with a built-in motor drive offers you genuine, creative
freedom and picture-taking ease.
Enjoy Taking Photos More Comfortably
This is EOS' design theme. The EOS 620/650 has brilliantly made it come true thanks to the high speed, precise
auto-focus system and the built-in motor drive capable of winding film up to three frames per second which
maximizes your potential.
Needless to say film speed setting and film transportation have been completely automated. A few of the many
features of the EOS 620/650 are the evaluative metering function (Factor 6 light analysis system) in which the
camera automatically recognizes subject pattern and its size so correct exposure can be obtained in backlit
situations, and the intelligent program AE mode which selects the ideal program line according to the
characteristics of the lens in use.
In addition, your photographic options are further expanded by exclusive accessories such as the Speedlites
420EZ and 300EZ that respond to a wide range of illuminations from dark surroundings to fill-in flash, the