35mm SLR (Single-Lens Reflex)
camera with selective, electronically
controlled AE (Automatic Exposure) and
focal plane shutter.
24 x 36mm.
Photographic Modes:
Six modes; including
five AE modes: shutter priority AE,
aperture priority AE, programmed AE,
full AE flash photography with specified
Canon electronic flashes, and stopped-
down AE; and manual override.
Interchangeable Lenses:
Canon FD series
lenses (usable with four full - aperture
metering AE modes and stopped-down
AE); Canon FL series lenses (usable
with stopped-down AE).
Standard Lenses:
Canon FD 55mm and
50mm lenses.
Lens Mount:
Canon Breech-Lock mount.
Canon FD, FL and R lenses can be
Fixed eye-level pentaprism.
Field of View:
93.4% vertical and 95.3%
horizontal coverage of the actual picture
0.83X at infinity with a
standard 50mm lens.
Focusing Screen:
Standard split-image/
microprism rangefinder.
Viewfinder Information:
Displayed in
form of LED digital readout below view-
ing area. Includes shutter speed (1/1000
sec.-30 sec.), aperture (f/1.2-f/32),
flashing warning of incorrect exposures
and settings, bulb indication, charge com-
pletion indicator for specified Canon
flash units, manual aperture, control
signal, error indication for incorrect
stopping-down operation. Shutter speed
and aperture data displayed in 1/2 step
increments. Viewfinder information can
be cancelled by turning off viewfinder
display switch.
Dioptric Adjustment:
Built-in eyepiece is
adjusted to standard —1 diopter.
Eyepiece Attachments:
Angle Finders A2
and B, Magnifier S, 10 different Dioptric
Adjustment Lenses S for eyesight correc-
tion and Eyecup 4S.
Eyepiece Shutter:
Built-in. Keeps out ex-
traneous light during self-timer or remote
control operation.
Instant-return type with shock-
absorbing mechanism. No image cut-off
in the viewfinder even with the FD
400mm telephoto lens.
Free Download at http://www.joe