You can choose among 4 different image quality settings.
..... Choose the image quality setting.
Touch FUNC., then drag up or down the
menu on the left to choose _.
Touch an item you want to set.
Touch the menu item again to complete
the setting.
The option you set will appear on the
image Quality and Shooting Time per Memory Card
1920 x1080 pixels, For shooting full Approx. Approx.
24 frameslsec, high-definition movies. 14rain. 34 sec.59 min. 40 sec.
1280 x 720 pixels, For shooting Approx. Approx.
30 frameslsec, high-definition movies. 20min. 1 hr. 24 min.
43 sec..1 54sec..2
The image quality will be Approx.
640 x 480 pixels, higher when compared Approx.
30 frameslsec, with I_, but the recording 43 rain. 43 sec. 2 hr. 59 min.
3 sec.
time will be shorter.
Since the filesize is small,
Approx. Approx.
320 x 240 pixels, shooting time will I hr. 58 min. 8 hr. 4min.
[_ 30 frameslsec, increase, but the image 19sec. 30 sec.
quality will decrease.
"1 13min.35 sec.for iFrememovies(p.112).
*255 min.38sec.for iFrememovies(p.112).
Based on Carton's testing standards.
Recording will automatically stop when the clip file size reaches 4 GB, orwhen the
recording time reaches approximately 10 minutes when shooting in _ or _, and
approximately 1 hour when shooting in _ or _.
Recording may stop even if the maximum clip length has not been reached onsome
memory cards. SD Speed Class 6 or higher memory cards are recommended.