Exposure Memory Switch
The A-1 also offers an exposure memory
switch for correcting the exposure in the AE
mode. Essentially, this switch assures correct
exposure by exposing the picture for your
subject no matter what the surroundings are.
When you press in the exposure memory
switch, it locks the exposure value (EV) for
whatever you are metering. You can then
compose the picture as you wish, and it will
come out correctly exposed for whatever
you metered. An extra advantage in this is
that, depending upon whether you are in the
shutter priority or aperture priority AE
mode, you can change either one and the
camera will automatically select the other to
arrive at the same locked-in exposure value.
For instance, suppose you want to take a
portrait of a subject against the sun. First
move in closer to your subject until it is
centered in and taking up about one-third of
the total viewing area. Push and hold in the
exposure memory switch to lock the ex-
posure value metered for your subject. Now
step back and compose the picture as you
like. Change the aperture or shutter speed,
depending upon which priority you are in,
if necessary. Continuing to hold in the
exposure memory switch, press the shutter
button. Your subject will be correctly
Of course, you have a problem if you cannot
approach your subject to meter it directly.
Then try to find an approachable subject
which you think would give the same ex-
posure value as your subject. Meter it, push
in and hold the exposure memory switch.
Compose your subject and shoot for correct
Please note that you must hold in the
exposure memory switch until after you
press the shutter button. It does not lock.
Free Download at http://www.joe