Download individual product specification sheets at califone.com/specs
Array Speakers | PA Systems
Two line-outs on the PI30 & PI30-PS allow for daisy-chaining additional speakers
Make Sure They Can Hear You... This Time and Every Time!
The better your students can hear you, the better their behavior, attention, and academic achievement —
and the less the vocal strain for you. Whether yours is an issue of poor acoustics, noisy heating and air conditioning units,
chatter from neighboring classrooms, or students with hearing disabilities, Califone has the right amplication solution.
Our line of classroom-proven wired and wireless audio systems delivers optimum sound reinforcement throughout the room.
array speakers are ideal for mounting on whiteboards!
PA Systems
Array Speakers
There are many applications for this technology from providing narration to an existing
presentation to ESL/ELL or other direct language instruction for a large group. The speakers are specically designed
to increase the “signal-to-noise-ratio,” which means targeting the sound to the audience instead of having it
bounce around the classroom indiscriminately. A signicant advantage to this technology is that students at the back of
the class will hear the same quality audio as those in the front. They are ideal for use with whiteboards.
Got questions? Call us toll free 800.722.0500 or 818.407.2400
The LCD-16 can be connected with any media player (including computers
and MP3 players) to transmit wireless audio to any Califone UHF speaker
including the PI30 on page 7 and the PA300+UHF on page 12.
Wireless LCD Transmitter
This 16-channel UHF transmitter upgrades the traditional AV cart to a high tech toolbox with cable-free access to professional
sound presentations anywhere in the school building. Teachers can use this to transmit from any audio source including
their oldest audio content on aging media. LCD-16 $155
LCD-16 front & side views