
Cleaning and Maintenance
Power Burner
LTR50001100, Rev. A
from the Power Burner by carefully lifting each burner up and away
from the gas valve orice.
Use a wire brush to clean the outer surface of each burner to remove
food residue and dirt. Clean any clogged ports with a stiff wire such as
an opened paper clip.
Inspect each burner for damage (cracks and holes). If any damage is
found, replace the burner and discontinue usage.
Upon reinstallation, inspect the gas valve orices for cleanliness and
condition and the location of the igniters. When you replace the burn-
ers, you do not need to replace the keeper pins.
Drip Pan
The full width drip pan will collect grease from the main burner area.
The pan should be cleaned after every use to avoid the possibility of a
grease re. Be sure to allow the drip pan to cool prior to cleaning. You
may clean the drip pan with a solution of warm soapy water. Make sure
to rinse thoroughly to avoid staining.
Steam Cleaning Your Power Burner
Steam cleaning your Power Burner is very effective and will not void
your warranty. Portable hand-held steam cleaners are inexpensive and
do not require chemicals. You can steam clean all parts of your Cal
Flame Power Burner, including the burners. When you are nished,
make sure you wipe all surfaces down.
If you spray the burners, ignite them and let them burn for about 10
minutes to prevent any water from accumulating inside them.
Covering Your Power Burner
When not in use and after cooling, cover your Power Burner with our
canvas cover. (See your local Cal Flame dealer for details.) The cover
will help protect your Power Burner from detrimental effects of weather
and environmental pollutants. Never put a cover on a hot appliance.
Allow the Power Burner to cool before covering.
To order a replacement cover, contact Cal Spas customer service at