
9030367 E7 Device Views
Cabletron Hub LEDs
The SIRM supports LEDs that represent operating status, collision rates,
error rates, packets transmitted and packets received for the entire hub as
Fail (Error)
This LED is located on the top of the left-hand LED column. It indicates that a
problem has been detected with the SIRM.
CLN (Collision Present)
This LED is located on the top of the right-hand LED column and is not
labelled in SPECTRUM. It indicates that the SIRM is detecting a collision
signal from one of the segments connected to the hub.
Unlabeled 1
This LED is located below the Fail LED. It indicates that the SIRM is
receiving network management packets.
Unlabeled 2
This LED is located below the CLN LED. It indicates that the SIRM network
management software is on line and functional.
The SIRM modules also contain an RCV and POK LED that are associated
with its repeater port and its network management port.
IRM2 Hubs
The IRM2 supports LEDs that represent operating status, collision rates,
error rates, packets transmitted, and packets received for the entire hub as
follows. The LEDs are listed in top to bottom order, except where otherwise
ER (Error)
This LED indicates that a problem has been detected with the IRM2.
PW (Power)
This LED indicates that the hub is receiving power.
RC (Receive)
This LED indicates the IRM2 is repeating a data packet received from one of
the segments connected to the hub chassis.
XM (Transmit)
This LED indicates that the IRM2 is transmitting a data packet out to all
other segments connected to the hub chassis.
CL (Collision Present)
This LED indicates the IRM2 is detecting a collision signal from one of the
segments connected to the hub chassis.