
Appendix D: Glossary
D-4 CSX200 Installation Guide
OSI Open System Interconnection. An international standard developed by ITU (formally
CCITT) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to facilitate data networking
multi-vendor interoperability. The OSI Reference Model defines seven layers, each providing
specific network functions.
Packet A group of data that includes a header and usually user data for transmission through a
Ping (Packet Internet Groper) An echo message, available within the TCP/IP protocol suite,
sent to a remote node and returned; used to test the accessibility of the remote node.
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) A Data Link layer protocol that provides asynchronous and
synchronous connectivity between computer/network nodes. Includes standardization for security
and compression negotiation.
Q.921 ISDN Data Link layer specification for the user-to-network interface.
Q.931 ISDN specification for call set-up and signaling on ISDN connections.
RFC Request for Comment. Documentation describing Internet communications
specifications (e.g., Telnet, TFTP). Often these RFCs are used to achieve multi-vendor
interoperability during implementation.
RJ11 Standard 4-wire connectors for telephone lines.
RJ45 Standard 8-wire connectors used for ISDN lines and 10 BASE-T connections.
RIP (Routing Information Protocol) Protocols used in IP and IPX for broadcasting open path
information between routers to keep routing tables current.
Routing A Network layer function that determines the path for transmitting packets through a
network from source to destination.
RS-232 EIA standard specifying the physical layer interface used to connect a device to
communications media.
Serialization Frames Frames sent out by servers under IPX to check whether illegal copies of
NetWare are in use on the network.
Service Advertising Protocol Protocol used in IPX for broadcasting information about
services available on the network, such as file servers, CD-ROM drives and modem pools.