
Device Configuration View
Configuration Views 3Com PortSwitch Hubs
3-2 Management Module Guide
Device Configuration View
This view provides device-specific configuration information as well as access
to other views that allow you to configure device components.
To access the Device Configuration view do the following:
1. Highlight the device icon.
2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select Configuration.
Device Configuration Information
This section of the Configuration view displays the following device-specific
Device Name
Displays the user-setable name of the device.
Contact Status
Indicates whether a connection with the device has been established. Possible
status messages include: Established, Lost and Initial.
Number of Interfaces
Displays the number of interfaces or ports available on this device.
Router Redundancy
This menu button allows you to set router redundancy to true or false.
This view also provides the following buttons:
Opens the Interface Address Translation Table, described below.
Reconfigures the device with the current settings.
Interface Address Translation Table
This table provides the following fields:
Interface Index
Displays the number for a given interface or port.
IF Address Translation