
Repeater Statistics 5-5
Managing Ethernet MicroLAN Switches
Soft Errors
CRC Errors Displays the total number of packets with CRC (Cyclical
Redundancy Check) errors that the repeater, board, or
port has received from the network. CRC errors occur
when packets are somehow damaged in transit.
Alignment Errors Displays the total number of misaligned packets received
by the repeater, board, or port. A misaligned packet is
one that contains a non-integral number of bytes (that is,
any unit of bits less than a byte). Alignment errors are
also known as framing errors.
Runts Displays the number of runt packets that the repeater,
board, or port has received from the network. A runt
packet is one that is less than the minimum Ethernet
frame size of 64 bytes.
Using the Total and Delta Option Buttons
By using the Total and Delta option buttons located at the bottom of the Statistics
windows, you can choose whether to view the total statistics count (Total) or the
statistics count for the last polling interval (Delta).
To choose Total or Delta:
1. Click on the Total option button; after the completion of the current polling
cycle plus one complete polling cycle, the window will display the total count
of statistics processed since the most recent start-up of the Ethernet
MicroLAN Module.
2. Click on the Delta option button; after the completion of the current polling
cycle plus two more polling cycles, the window will display the count of
statistics processed during the last poll interval. These counts will be
refreshed after each polling interval.
–– indicates that the associated option is not chosen
–– indicates that the associated option is chosen
For more detailed deÞnitions of these statistics and information on the possible network
conditions they represent, consult the Cabletron Systems Network Troubleshooting
Guide, included with this package.
The statistics windows use the polling interval you have set for the monitored device via
the Device Management page of the Options window, which is launched from the Tools
menu in the SPECTRUM Element Manager primary window menu bar. See your
SPECTRUM Element Manager UserÕs Guide for more information on setting the
Chassis Manager polling interval.