
•POI-points of interest from a pre-programmed, saved list
(airports, hospitals, etc)
•Navigation Data Fields-these sections of the map page
display user-selected navigation information. To access and
select the lower “Nav” data boxes (elds), arrow down below
“Point Of Interest” to highlight each of the 3 available Nav
data elds. Press the center OK button to see the list of Nav
data-any 3 of the 20 types on the list can be displayed. When
you select a new one, it replaces a previous data display, but
always shows 3 at a time. For each given eld, click OK to
view the available options. Note that “LOC” which is your
global position (Lat + Long), takes up 2 elds (Latitude is
the top eld). When using the position selector, the ONIX
will display 4 elds.
There are another 2 Nav data boxes at the upper left and
right of the screen. From the display options, press the up
arrow while on “Compass”-this will highlight the upper
left box. Press OK to see list of available display options.
Make a selection and conrm it by pressing OK, then use
the right arrow to move over to the right Nav data box.
Make a selection and conrm as you did in the left box. You
may then use the down arrow to return to the list of display
options (“Compass”, etc). Press the left arrow to exit the
map layer display options.
3. NAV Page View (Fig. 4)
The NAV page provides a compass-only display. The view
options of the NAV page include (Fig. 5):
Heading Arrow-if user selected. Small arrow “head” only.
Indicates the direction you are actually moving in.
Bearing Arrow (Fig. 6)-only appears during active
navigation. This will be seen as a long black line with an
arrow head. It indicates where you should go to get to your
navigation destination.
North Arrow-if user selected-points to true or magnetic
north (user options). Identied by “N” circle at head of
NAV data boxes as described previously in the MAP Page
View section.
NAV Page
NAV Page View Options
Page View Details
Bearing Arrow
(Active Navigation)
Fig. 4Fig. 6 Fig. 5