PinSeeker with Slope +/-™ (LCD Indicator - ˚ ) is advanced mode will be found only on model 20-5106 (Pro
1600 with Slope +/-™). Model 20-5106 features a built-in accelerometer-based inclinometer that digitally displays
the exact slope angle from -20 to +20 degrees of elevation and is +/- 1.0 degree accurate. e Slope +/-™ mode will
automatically compute an angle compensated range based upon distance and slope angle determined by the laser
rangefinder and built-in inclinometer. is data is then combined with internal algorithmic formulas dealing with
average club use and ball trajectories. e angle compensated range provides direction on how to play the shot (i.e.
add distance if an incline, subtract distance if a decline).
How to use Slope +/-™
Once in this mode, you will see a “ ° ” in the field of view informing you that you are in the Slope +/- Mode. Press
the POWER button to obtain distance to the flag or other objects. Once the range is displayed, continue to hold the
POWER button down for approximately 2 seconds while holding the aiming circle on the flag and keeping the unit
as steady as possible so as to allow the inclinometer enough time to measure slope. en release the POWER button.
Once you have released the power button, a degree of angle and compensated range will be displayed beneath the
standard distance as seen below.
In this example, the true distance is 162 yards, slope is +4 degrees, and the compensated range is 173 yards. e “ ”
symbol means “Play-As”, so instead of playing as 162 yards, “play-as” 173 yards.