◗ Configuration Limitations - The configuration limitations of the Ethernet Converter specify
what types of clients can configure the Ethernet Converter through the Web Based Con-
figuration. Prohibiting configuration from either wireless or wired clients can have negative
effects on your ability to access the Web Based Configuration. Please be certain of your
setting changes. Prohibiting configuration from wireless clients creates a rule that says any
client that is connected to the Ethernet Converter wirelessly cannot access its Web Based
Configuration. Prohibiting configuration from wired clients creates a rule that says any cli-
ent that is hard wired into the Ethernet Converter's LAN port cannot access its Web Based
Configuration. Prohibiting both configurations makes all Web Based Configuration attempts
impossible. The Ethernet Converter must then be re-initialized to restore configuration capa-
Initialization and Reboot - This page contains settings that
restart and re-initialize the Ethernet Converter.
◗ Initialize - Initializing the Ethernet Converter restores the
Ethernet Converter's settings to the default settings. This will
erase all configuration changes made, and the setup will have
to be restarted as if the product was brand new. This will erase
any passwords as well. Re-initialization can also occur without
logging into the Ethernet Converter. Please see the troubleshooting section for that procedure.
◗ Restart - Restarting the Ethernet Converter performs a simple restart similar to what would occur
if the power was cycled on the Ethernet Converter. No settings are lost in this case. The restart
process takes 30 seconds and can be confirmed complete when the wireless light is green.