Web Based Management
How to use a Web Browser to
manage your Device
A standard World Wide Web Browser (we recommend Netscape Navigator version
3.0 or later/Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.02a or later) can be used to manage
your printer using the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). You can get the
following information from the printer using a web browser.
1. Supports several languages including English, French, German, Spanish,
Italian and Dutch.
2. Printer status information
3. Take control of the printer front panel
4. Software Version information of the printer and network card
5. Change network configuration details
You must use the TCP/IP protocol on your network and have a valid IP address
programmed into the print server and computer.
Quick Tips:
1. The default IP address of Brother print servers is To change it,
use the print front panel (if applicable), the BRAdmin utility, the printer
front panel, or let your DHCP server allocate an IP address to the printer.
2. Refer to chapter 12 of this user guide to learn how to configure the IP
address on your printer.
3. The default password for Brother print servers is "access".
4. You can use a web browser on most computing platforms, for example,
Macintosh and Unix users are also cable to connect to the printer and
manage it.
5. You can also use the BRAdmin application to manage the printer and
network configuration.