
B101586-7-1012 Page 11
bl26p-1, SS26p-1 pAtio bASE
insTallaTiOn insTrucTiOns
wArning: thiS pAtio bASE iS not dESignEd for uSE with An lp gAS CylindEr.
wArning: SEE your grill ownEr'S mAnuAl for propEr loCAtion, minimum ClEArAnCES,
And othEr importAnt SAfEty informAtion bEforE proCEEding with inStAllAtion of thiS
paTiO pOsT.
vErify thAt All pArtS liStEd on thE ExplodEd viEw of thiS mAnuAl hAvE bEEn inCludEd
in thiS CArton bEforE bEginning inStAllAtion.
CAution: uSE CAution whEn hAndling pArtS, AS thEy mAy ContAin ShArp EdgES. work
glovES ArE rECommEndEd to prEvEnt injury.