Page 16
Pre-Lift Operation Notes and Details
Lift Features (continued)
Although the L955 features
automatic floor level switching,
the lift operator (wheelchair
passenger or attendant), must
view the platform to be certain
the platform is properly posi-
tioned at vehicle floor level and
the bridge plate is properly
positioned when a passenger
is entering or exiting the
vehicle. If the lift platform does
not automatically stop at floor
level as outlined, discontinue
lift operation immediately.
Automatic Roll Stops: The
L955SE platform is equipped
with an outboard roll stop and
a side entry roll stop (L955U lift
models are not equipped with a
side entry roll stop). See
photos A, B and C. Both
cylinder-powered roll stops
provide a ramp for wheelchair
loading and unloading at
ground level. The side entry
roll stop is useful in tight
parking situations by reducing
wheelchair caster “turn-out”
when boarding and exiting the
platform. The two roll stops
function in unison. Details
follow. Discontinue lift opera-
tion immediately if either roll
stop does not operate prop-
Belt-operated Side Entry Roll Stop
(L955SE models only)
Aluminum Extruded Outboard Roll Stop
Discontinue lift use
immediately if any lift
component does not
operate properly.
Failure to do so may
result in serious
bodily injury and/or
property damage.