high temperatures. Recommended ambient
temperature for shaving is 15 °C to 35 °C. Do not
expose the shaver to temperatures higher than
50 °C for extended periods of time.
• Using the special cord set
w, connect the
shaver to an electrical outlet with the motor
switched off and charge it for at least one hour.
• A full charge provides up to 50 minutes
of cordless shaving time. This may vary
according to your beard growth and
environmental temperature..
Shaver display 9
The shaver display 9 shows the charge status
of the battery. During charging or when using the
shaver, the respective green charge status will
blink. When the battery is fully charged the green
charge status will light up continously, provided
the shaver is connected to an electrical outlet.
Some minutes after completing the charging,
the shaver switches to the stand-by-mode:
The display turns off.
The red « » indicator fl ashes when the battery is
running low, provided the shaver is switched on.
The remaining capacity will then be suffi cient for
2 to 3 shaves.
Personalizing your shaver
Personalizing your shaver
By holding down the accelerator button –/+
) you can adjust the shaving power to
your individual needs in the different areas of
your face from sensitive to intensive. The pilot
light in the start button (
) changes within the
following range:
(–) sensitive shave
- light blue
- dark blue
- green
(+) intensive shave
For a thorough and fast shave we recommend
the green (intensive) setting.
When switching on next time, the last used
setting will be activated.
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