
Before Starting, make sure that the projector and computer are both turned off.
1. Connect the computer cable.
1.1 Connect either end of the computer cable to the projectors
computer 2 / Y Pb Pr input port.
1.2 Disconnect the monitor cable from the computer and connect the other end of
th e projector cable wh er e th e mon itor cable was discon n ected fr om th e computer.
1.3 If n eeded, con n ect th e computer mon itor cable to th e
pr ojector s Computer out connection.
1.4 Tighten all conn ector s.
How to connect
Desktop PC
2.Con n ect th e audio cable (optional).
2.1 Con n ect on e en d of the audio cable to th e Audio in 2 jack on the pr ojector .
2.2 Con n ect th e other en d of th e audio cable to th e audio output por t on the
computer sound card.
Desktop PC