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Play modes for audio CDs
Additional audio CD play modes are available on your Wave
music system after adding the
CD changer.
While playing a CD, press Play Mode repeatedly until the play mode you want is displayed:
NORMAL PLAY ............Plays all tracks on the selected CD once in order.
SHUFFLE .....................Plays all CDs once in random order. Plays tracks on each CD in
random order.
SHUFFLE dISC ............Plays all tracks on the selected CD once in random order.
SHUFFLE RPT .............Repeats all tracks on all CDs in a random order that changes each
time the CD is repeated.
SHUFFLE RPT dISC ....Repeats all tracks on the selected CD in a random order that
changes each time the CD is repeated.
REPEAT ........................Continuously repeats all CDs in order.
REPEAT dISC ...............Continuously repeats all tracks on the selected CD in order.
REPEAT TRACK ...........Continuously repeats the selected track on the selected CD.
Play modes for MP3 CDs
While a music file CD is playing, you can change the way it is played. Press Play Mode
repeatedly until the play mode you want is displayed:
NORMAL PLAY ............Plays all tracks on the selected CD once in order.
SHUFFLE ......................Plays all CDs once in random order. Plays tracks on each CD in
random order.
SHUFFLE dISC ............Plays all tracks on the selected CD once in random order.
SHUFFLE FOLDR ........Plays all tracks in the selected folder in random order.
SHUFF RPT...................Repeats all tracks on all CDs in a random order that changes each
time the CD is repeated.
SHUF RPT dISC ...........Repeats all tracks on the selected CD in a random order that
changes each time the disc is repeated.
SHUF RPT FLDR ..........Repeats all tracks in a folder in a random order that changes each
time the folder is repeated.
REPEAT ........................Continuously repeats all CDs in order.
REPEAT dISC ...............Continuously repeats all tracks on the selected CD in order.
REPEAT FOLDER .........Continuously repeats all tracks in a folder in order.
REPEAT TRACK ...........Continuously repeats the selected track on the selected CD.