When your battery is discharged you
can used two jumper cables to start
your vehicle with power from the bat-
tery in a second vehicle. You can also
use the same method to help start
another vehicle. Always use jumper
cables with fully insulated handles on
the terminal clamps.
Do not touch the live parts while
the engine is running. Failure to
comply with this creates a risk of fatal
injury. Carefully observe the following
instructions to avoid personal injury
and/or damage to one or both vehi-
1. Make sure, that the battery on the
support vehicle is rated at 12 volts.
This information is provided on the
battery label
2. Switch off the engine of the support
vehicle. Switch off all electrical
accessories in both vehicles – except
the hazard warning flashers of the
support vehicle
3. Make absolutely certain that there is
no contact between the bodywork of
the two vehicles – risk of short circuit
4. The so-called jump start auxiliary ter-
minal in the engine compartment of
your BMW acts as the positive bat-
tery terminal. The cap of this jump
start auxiliary terminal is identified by
+ symbol. To open, tip up the cap,
refer to arrow.
First connect a jump start cable to
the positive terminal of the dis-
charged battery, and the other end to
the positive terminal of the support
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