14 BMW Navigation Portable Pro Owner’s Manual
Speaking Commands
Speaking Commands
The speech recognition feature allows you
to speak to your nüvi to nd destinations,
select options, and perform other functions.
Using the Remote Control
Use the remote control to start or stop a
speech recognition session.
Start speech
Stop speech
If the nüvi does not enter speech
recognition mode, make sure the remote
control is activated.
1. From the Menu page, touch Tools
> Settings > System > Remote >
Deactivate All Remotes.
2. Touch Activate New Remote.
3. Press a button on the remote control.
Activating Speech
1. Press the large button on the remote
2. Wait for the green speak icon to
3. Speak a command.
Speaking to Your nüvi
Speech recognition uses four search
Speak any text on the screen
Speak shortcut commands
Speak the name of a popular place
Speak an address
To speak any text on the screen:
1. Speak any word on the screen. For
example, from the Tools menu, you can
speak Routes or Page Down.
2. Listen for the voice prompt before
speaking your next command.
To speak shortcut commands:
1. Speak any shortcut command from the
shortcut commands listed below. You
can use shortcut commands from any
2. Listen for the voice prompt before
speaking your next command.
Shortcut Commands
Audible Player Help
Cancel Route Main Menu
Detour Music Player
Find Address Stop Listening
Find City Tools Menu
Find Favorite Trip Computer
Find Place by
View Map
Find Place by Name Volume Down
Find Recently Found Volume Up
Go Home Where Am I?
Hands Free Where To?